Keep It Simple… Stupendous

The key is to open your heart and give Love as much as you can to everyone within your reach because you are everything and everything is you and God is in the details. So when giving to others selflessly, you are actually giving it to yourself because, “Thou Art That.” This is why helping people feels so good. It’s like that John Lennon song “Instant Karma. ” When you give, you get instantly.

To put it simply as I can:

    “The most difficult thing on earth one can practice is to be humble. It is not easy; it is difficult, because you have to surmount the existence of whole maya (illusion) and to recognize that God is by your side. Then you feel the humility.” –Yogi Bhajan

  • God is inside you.
  • God is in everything you see.
  • There is nothing that God is that you are not.
  • There is nothing that you are that God is not. (more…)

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Wahe Guru, a little meaning behind the yoga of sound

*Wahe (Wha-hay) means “Wow” or “Ecstacy.” It’s sort of an exclamation of the joy of existence. Guru (goo-roo) means that force which brings one from darkness into light.

‘Gu’ means darkness and ‘Ru’ means light. So Gu-Ru is basically the transformation from dark to light, which is why we have associated the word with ‘enlightened’ or masterful individuals. We call someone a ‘guru’ when they have mastered their profession or area of expertise. However these words are so much more than simply a title or an idea. By speaking or chanting the word one creates the sound vibration, which awakens the force of the guru in all of us. Some consider this the higher self. It’s the perfect and complete version of yourself informing you in every moment. Speaking the words Wahe Guru will create a vibration which will dispel darkness from you and bring you into the light of your Soul. Another way of looking at it is that chanting the mantra is like dialing a phone number to your higher self. (more…)

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Service: The Selfless Vaccum?

So I was re-reading some of these posts and I realized they’re really long and quite a bit heavy. Not to mention they’re two months old. (I can mention it, you probably shouldn’t) So I thought I would put some things down in more raw form as they come to me. For example, this morning during Sadhana-meditation some stuff occurred to me. Yogi Bhajan saying (and I can’t reference the quote directly but…) basically when you serve others, The Creator serves you. I understood it as it came to me in meditation, but explaining what I think it is, is a whole other thing. (more…)

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Can A Human Be Greater than God?

How can I believe in God when just last week I got my tongue caught in the roller of an electric typewriter? Woody Allen,

The soul comes through the human to experience duality, the world of good and evil, opposites. If God is so great, how can there be so much suffering?

One of my yoga teachers was telling a story about someone in their family who, while meditating went to the place beyond time and space where souls decide to come into this life. She related that these souls are fighting for a chance at human life. Being human is so great that souls fight to come here to earth and angels are jealous of humans because of all they are able to experience. Yet, when we get here, each of us suffers. That makes no sense. Life is cloaked in suffering. Out in the world of duality, the world of opposites, we bounce between good and evil and we suffer. Why on earth would a soul want to come into that? Perhaps it is to become more powerful than God. (more…)

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