Keep It Simple… Stupendous

The key is to open your heart and give Love as much as you can to everyone within your reach because you are everything and everything is you and God is in the details. So when giving to others selflessly, you are actually giving it to yourself because, “Thou Art That.” This is why helping people feels so good. It’s like that John Lennon song “Instant Karma. ” When you give, you get instantly.

To put it simply as I can:

    “The most difficult thing on earth one can practice is to be humble. It is not easy; it is difficult, because you have to surmount the existence of whole maya (illusion) and to recognize that God is by your side. Then you feel the humility.” –Yogi Bhajan

  • God is inside you.
  • God is in everything you see.
  • There is nothing that God is that you are not.
  • There is nothing that you are that God is not. (more…)

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Chakras: Lower Triangle Vs. Upper Triangle

This is not at all like east coast rappers vs. west coast rappers, to be clear.

The first three chakras are often referred to as ‘the lower triangle.’ The heart is the fourth chakra where everything ‘bends’ as it were. Then there are the upper three chakras, often referred to as ‘the upper triangle.’

Chakras have basic archetypes:

  1. Survival
  2. Creativity & Sexuality
  3. Will power – Core directive power
  4. The heart – Compassion & Love
  5. The Power of spoken word – Throat
  6. Intuition & Wisdom – Third eye
  7. Humility & Divinity – Crown
  8. The Aura – Radiance of the True personality

The lower three correspond to earthly issues: Survival, creativity, and will power. (more…)

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Teacher Profile: Tej Kaur Khalsa

By Nelly Coneway (Dayaal Kaur)
Reprinted from LA YOGA magazine September 2006 Vol. 5/ Num. 6

Her spiritual name, Tej, means radiance and perfectly fits the warm heart and soul of one of the great teachers of Kundalini Yoga. Her smile is an open door to infinity and her warm eyes penetrate deeply, reading all like an open book. Tej has an energy field and knowledge that illuminates, comforts and helps those around her. (more…)

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