102 Things you can do to realize your destiny

To Bee, to bee

A friend of mine suggested this idea a few days ago and so I ran with it. After all, everybody loves lists! Thanks Ali.

  1. Think About Your Destiny Once A Day
  2. Follow Your Heart
  3. Follow Your Bliss
  4. Pray for Others
  5. Pray for Yourself
  6. Meditate
  7. Give to Charity
  8. Follow Your Intuition
  9. Breathe Deeply
  10. Forgive Someone
  11. Love Everyone You See
  12. Treat Others as You Would Like To Be Treated
  13. Do Something Self-Less
  14. Be At Peace Within
  15. Live In The Present Moment
  16. Accept Things As They Are Now
  17. Get Rid of Anger
  18. Call Your Mother
  19. Call Your Father
  20. Be Kind to Yourself
  21. Do What’s Right for You
  22. Make The Higher Choice
  23. Clean Your House
  24. Try Something New
  25. Don’t Worry (more…)

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The Paradox of Prayer & Healing

Praying for the healing of others heals you by default. By sending out light and loving thoughts to people in your life, you actually heal yourself. It came to me in a meditation recently that since all things are of this one universal energy (some people calls it God, some people calls it a kaiser blade…) and we are this energy in human form, then you heal yourself by healing with prayer, those that have appeared in your life. It’s the director metaphor again. Each of our individual realities is the projection of our own souls. (more…)

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Fennel Cauliflower Chapatis Recipe


I got this recipe from the men’s lectures that Yogi Bhajan gave. In these lectures he outlines several high energy foods and recipes which contribute to potency. I’ve tried this recipe and it’s become one of my favorites.

He says that after eating these cauliflower chapatis you should take a little nap and when you wake you’ll be full of energy.
(recipe continues…) (more…)

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