The Law of The Vacuum – Create Prosperous Flow and Fulfillment
I've been coming across the Law of The Vacuum in Yogi Bhajan lectures alot recently so I taught a couple of classes on it. I really enjoy going into the…
I've been coming across the Law of The Vacuum in Yogi Bhajan lectures alot recently so I taught a couple of classes on it. I really enjoy going into the…
Yesterday I was driving in LA traffic. I was coming home after teaching my class at RA MA in Venice. I decided to take side streets to find an alternate…
Now more than ever the times demand this positively charged energy. Your energy. The 40 day kundalini yoga bootcamp gives you the platform to make the necessary changes and clear your sub-conscious mind of the patterns that cause you to waste your precious energy on useless events, like stress, commotion in relationships, fear, worry and anxiety or just texting too much : ).
Finally, in the last part of this mediation I was in the high desert of New Mexico, on the land where we do our Summer Solstice practice-- Ram Das Puri, just above Espanola. As I stood on the ground, I saw water-- cool, clear, spring water bubbling out of the earth. It flowed a little, pooled and then seeped back into the earth. I could see from that mini-dream-in-meditation that everything comes full circle.
Meditation is such an important tool these days because of the vast amounts of information being tossed at us. The mind can go on excessive journeys of calculation when the most obvious aspects of our human lives is right in front us.
It's funny to see how much yoga is catching on day after day. As a teacher I see articles like this and I'm glad the word is getting out, but…
This week I've been teaching sets that clear the lymphatic system and strengthen the immune system. One of the greatest things about Kundalini Yoga and yoga in general for that… a relaxed state we become compassionate, and when we're compassionate as a simple state of being, then our presence works. Our presence simply uplifts the others we come into contact with, simply by being there. Yet another example of how being excellent and living up to your best and brightest self helps the world around you.
I get a lot of beginners in my classes and I find myself explaining the basics a lot. Here's the info on the mantras that are used in Kundalini Yoga…
The truth is, all anyone wants is a look over the fence to the other side. When you set out to get high, you just want to feel good. You want to feel something more than what you're getting as you go through the day to day life.